

Text search

Pesquisa em texto

The text search can be accessed from any page on the site and is located at the top right corner. Type in your search terms, then click on the magnifying glass symbol. This search is carried out on the full text of the documents.


Advanced search

Pesquisa estruturada

The advanced / fields search is available at the top menu of the page, below the Search button.

The structured search form allows you to search the Digital Library using the Title, Author, Keyword (in bibliographic data) and Access Rights fields, and also to use the boolean operators "And", "Or" and "No".

If you want to search by other fields, you can also add one or more of the following, under [+] Add a search field:

  • Location city (Place of Publication)
  • Publisher
  • Note field (searches in the notes fields of bibliographic data)
  • Abstract field (searches in the abstract fields of bibliographic data)
  • Language
  • Full text (searches the full text of documents)
  • Bookmarks (searches the titles of chapters or parts of works)

The search is done by word in any part of the document or bibliographic data. If you want to search for an exact expression, that expression should be put in inverted commas.

For example:

  • Search expression         Gruta de Macau
  • Returns all results containing the words "Gruta" or "Macau".

  • Search expression         “Gruta de Macau”
  • Returns only the results that contain the exact expression "Gruta de Macau".


Search results

Lista de resultados da pesquisa por

Search results are presented as a list. You will also see a column of filters to the right which allows you to refine your results.

In the filtering features, you can select whether you want to get all the matches in the text of the document, or the matches in the bookmarks (chapters or parts of the work). This selection is made at the top right-hand side, under "Include Fulltext / Include bookmarks".

You can also set up how the list is displayed using the functions available at the top of the list, e.g.:

- Number of results displayed per page (10, 20 or 50);

- Sorting results, which can be done by date of availability on the BND, by title or by date of publication;

- Browsing mode - classic list, mosaic or timeline.


Record display page

Página de detalhe do registo bibliográfico

The record display page includes various functions for sharing and accessing the digital resource, as well as information on copyright:

The record display page for periodicals will contain, additionally, the functionality of browsing by dates and/or issues.

Página de detalhe de um título de publicação periódica


The digital resource in IIIF can be accessed from the record display page by clicking on the thumbnail or See online.

Recurso digital em IIIF



View single page  View single page
View double pages (flip)  View double pages (flip)
View Thumbnails  View Thumbnails
View facing pages in vertical sequence  View facing pages in vertical sequence


Zoom out  Zoom out
Zoom in Zoom in


Other features

View bibliographic information View bibliographic information
Print or download filest Print or download files
Share and send by email  Share and send by email
Compare documents selected by the user  Compare documents selected by the user
Search for text in the document  Search for text in the document
Show OCR text  Show OCR text
Reverse document colours  Reverse document colours
Adjust the contrast  Adjust the contrast
Rotate  Rotate
Show / hide information box  Show / hide information box
Optimized zoom  Optimized zoom


Text mode and OCR

The OCR (optical character recognition) technique makes it possible to locate and recognise strings of characters in an image and thus convert them into words that can be used for various purposes, including the full-text search offered by the National Digital Library.

This conversion is carried out automatically by the OCR software, without human correction/intervention. Although OCR techniques are constantly being improved, the quality of recognition still depends on a large number of factors related both to the original document - state of the support, ink, fonts or old spellings - and to the digitisation itself.

In addition, digitisation technique (black and white, from microfilm) can also have a negative impact on OCR performance.


The NDL allows you to download documents that are not protected by copyright. You can download the selected document by using the Download icon.

Ecrá de download dos documentos 

Download formats

Documents can be downloaded in the following formats:

PDF – complete or selected page

JPG – entire page or selected part

You can also download the pdf file from the record display page.


All documents available at the NLP are labelled as Protected (Interno) or Free (Livre).

Documents labelled as Interno are protected by copyright, therefore they can only be accessed from the National Library of Portugal's internal network, and the ability to download the document is inhibited.

The information on copyright is clarified at the end of the record display page, and also in the bibliographical data.

Ecrã Direitos e Utilização - Public Domain 

Ecrã de navegação numa obra em domínio público