The Inquisition and Judaism

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The Inquisition and Judaism : a Sermon adressed to jewish martyrs, on the occasion of an auto da fe at Lisbon, 1705 by the Archbishop of Cranganor; also a reply to the sermon / by Carlos Vero ; translated by Moses Mocatta. - Philadelphia : Barnard & Jones, Printers, 5620 [1861]. - XV, 221 p.; 8º ( 19 cm)

Digitalizado a partir de: ds-xviii-534

Justiniano, Diogo da Anunciação, 1654-1713, C.S.J.E., Nieto, David, 1654-1728, co-autor
Mocatta, Moses, 1768-1857, trad., Barnard & Jones, 18--, impr.

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