Travels of the Duke de Chatelet in Portugal

Outros volumes

Travels of the Duke de Chatelet in Portugal : comprehending interesting particulars relative to the Colonies; the Earth-quake of Lisbon; the Marquis de Pombal, and the Court / by J. Fr. Bourgoing ; translated from the french by John Joseph Stockdale. - London : printed for John Stockdale, 1809. - 2 vol. (viii, 18-295 p. ; 244 [20] p.) : 1 map. desdobr.; 22 cm

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Cormatin, Pierre Marie Félicité Dezoteux, Barão de, 1753-1812
Bourgoing, Jean François, 1748-1811, ed. lit., Stockdale, John Joseph, 1770-1847, trad.


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